Monday, October 13, 2008

I think education language in universities in Turkey should be Turkish. Because our only formal language is it. If we do not use Turkish in universities, where does it develop. One language can be alive as long as it is used. It is not the only problem to speak Turkish, how it is used is more important. In universities our educated citizens study and they are the only people who can develop Turkish and represent Turks all over the world.


Sümeyye Ata said...

You are exactly right..i agree with you :P

handee said...

we share the same opinion about the importance and usage of turkish.we should value it kindly..

Fikret ARSLAN said...

I strongly agree with you.I thing that Turkish is a well developed language,and is efficient for academic jargon,so no need english in universities.But as in all time money is the most important thing,so firstly we must improve our economy and then start to use Turkish...

şule said...

i agree with you but i can't understand sth: yes most of us are against the english as an education language in turkey..but now we can't change this.SO what about changing us??what about changing our daily use of turkish??it is a shame that we are using english words eveywhere!!especially in metu,ADD DROP haftası,SECTION,REVISE etmek,IGNORLAMAK,APPROVE almak et(tir)mek,RING ve durakları etc..there are lots of words such as them but i am sorry i can't bear any may say that ''everybody uses these words''.this maybe came like this until now but shouldn't go like this..i suggest use turkish meanings of these words..thanks..