Monday, November 17, 2008

In our highly educated world, educators are looking for new effective methods to educate students more cheaply, fast and influentially. The most important one is educating effective teachers to provide effective teaching. So what makes a teacher effective? And should teachers’ jobs, their careers, really be only giving and wanting students to answer questions in each spring? The effective teacher must be a leader who can inspire and influence students through expert and referent power but never forceful power. This teacher knows his subject well and is kind and respectful toward his students. He also has high standards and expectations with encouragement, support, and flexibility. This teacher authorize students and gets them to do things of which they did not think they were capable. This teacher has students who surpass him. The effective teacher is an innovator who changes strategies, techniques, texts, and materials when better ones are found or when existing ones no longer provide a substantive learning experience for her students.


handeakalan said...

You could have copy the papers from eds200 :) But thanks for informing us about this subject now we know more what an effective teacher is..

Anonymous said...

I think we should see the subject from progressivists' eyes :D
I think today's education lesson was good. Again we learned how we'll be when we become a teacher :D Anywayy, as Hande said, thanks for these useful explanations bro ;)

ERSIN said...

We will probably be teachers after graduating from the university so it is our duty to know the effective teaching methods. Thank you for imforming us about them..