Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nicenet: This site provides a limitless location for guides, teachers and lecturer to publish, create and share links, online debate activities, discussions, and other things about course theme with students. We can learn the suitable and useful sites for our educational progress. We use this site to create a more affective teaching and learning. Our teachers put the information, subjects, comments about the course and our homework. We can look our feedback and past works and lessons’ content. In our technology era, such kind of site is very useful to provide affective teaching and learning. When I will become a teacher, I will definitely use such kind of sites.

PB Wiki: This site is one of the most effective one created specially for group working. Every one of the group members can add something to the site and in the end a united work appear. We can reorganize our texts and our friends’ writings and essays. We can comment on other group members’ texts and adjust them. Besides we add everything to this site such as videos, photos, documents, links and other tens of useful tools for our education.

Blogger: Blogger is a web page which serves as a freely easily reached personal journal for a specific person. As a rule this site is updated daily, blogs often serve as a digital paper or book for the author. Instead of writing on a paper, using this page is more comfortable for the writer and thanks to that other people can easily reach the data on the blogs whenever they want. We can add photos, links, texts and videos. These make the subject more understandable and the page more interesting. We can do our homework by using this page. We do not need to stay in the class for long hours and write on the paper over and over. We cannot put aside our sheets, works and essays for a long time but by using this page we can save them forever and look them whenever we want. We can read our friends’ text without standing up our chair. On the other hand we have some problems about this site. One of them is that we sometimes have difficulties in connecting to internet. In our dormitory we have a wireless connection and it sometimes does not connect and we cannot write our texts, essays, etc.

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